2018 Annual report

Fedasil Arrival centre

An increase in the number of asylum seekers entering the reception network of Fedasil marked 2018.

Fedasil's 2018 Review presents the key statistics with regards to reception, voluntary return and resettlement over the past year.

Critical occupation levels in the centres

At the start of 2018, we were still talking about reducing the number of reception places, but the situation has gradually changed since summer 2018.

The relative increase in asylum applications in Belgium (yet still incommensurable with 2015) and the increased time required to process cases have resulted in critical occupation levels in most of our reception facilities.

In order to address this - sadly predictable - situation, the government has taken a range of measures to increase capacity and reduce the number of arrivals.

Arrival centre

It was in this context that Fedasil opened its 'arrival centre' on 3 December 2018. This new project was set up in the 'Petit-Château' in Brussels, in partnership with the Immigration Office. The arrival centre aims to improve the initial reception of new arrivals. It has become the single registration point for those wishing to apply for protection in Belgium.

Fewer voluntary returns

The number of voluntary returns decreased for the second year in a row. In 2018, 3,000 migrants decided to return home with the support of the voluntary return programme. 46% of them received additional support to facilitate their reintegration into their country of origin.

The Fedasil 2018 Review is available in French, Dutch and English. It is available in the appendix (pdf) and as a dynamic version

A hardcopy version is available in French and Dutch (not in English). You can obtain it by sending a request to info@fedasil.be
