Call for tender for NGOs


A call for tender has been issued within the context of the AMIF Specific action on unaccompanied foreign minors.

The tender aims to contract with NGOs, International Organisations or International Governmental Organisations that are active in the following countries of origin: Albania, Egypt, Guinea, Mali, Morocco and Pakistan.
Scope of the project:

  • Implement information and communication campaigns for unaccompanied minors to prevent their departure from the country of origin concerned
  • Organise reintegration projects for unaccompanied minors in the country of origin
  • Conduct a feasibility study on partnerships to organise reintegration projects when family reunification is not possible

Proposal(s) need(s) to be submitted before 6 May 2019 10h00.
Interested? Download the complete dossier via following link and indicate the following reference "DGEF-2019-MNA" under the cell "key words".


The Asylum Migration and Integration fund aims to “promote an efficient management of migration flows and the implementation, strengthening and development of a common Union approach to asylum and immigration.”