
Visit of the President of Malta

On Tuesday 17 January, Fedasil received the President of the Republic of Malta.

On Tuesday 17 January, Fedasil received the visit of Her Excellency Marie-Louise Preca, President of the Republic of Malta, and some of her closest members of staff. The President herself had requested the visit. Director-General Jean-Pierre Luxen and members of Fedasil staff gave a presentation on the asylum and reception system in Belgium, as well as the international and European activities of Fedasil. The cabinet of Secretary of State Theo Francken was also present.

During her visit, the President expressed considerable interest in the integration of recognised refugees in Europe, and the actions undertaken by Fedasil to facilitate integration and access to the job market. She also had questions about the migration routes and the different nationalities present in our country.

Maltese presidency of the EU

The presidency of the European Union passes from one member state to another every six months. Malta took over the presidency on 1 January 2017 and will retain the role until 30 June 2017. This is Malta's first presidency since joining the European Union in 2004.

Malta is also the headquarters of the European Asylum Support Office, or EASO. Fedasil works closely with EASO, mainly by sending Belgian experts to the hotspots on the Greek islands.

President Marie-Louise Preca has placed migration at the top of her list of priorities for the coming six months. She intends to push on with reforms of the European Asylum system, and advocates for more solidarity between the various Member States.