
2014 Annual Report

Fedasil has just published its 2014 review, a year marked by an increase in asylum seekers received in Belgium.

Fedasil's 2014 Review presents the key events and principal statistics regarding the reception of asylum seekers in Belgium and the voluntary return of migrants to their country of origin. It also focuses on the Agency's international activities.Arrivals16,566 people received a reception place in 2014 compared with 15,455 people in 2013 (+7%). This rise was a result of the increase in asylum seekers observed in Belgium. Syria was the leading country of origin.CapacityThe reduction in reception capacity started in 2013 continued in 2014. This decision is the logical development for the budgetary context, but the objective is to return to a 'normal' capacity, as it stood prior to the reception crisis. At the end of 2014, the reception network offered a total of 18,000 places, and currently offers 16,000 places (July 2015).OccupancyThe occupancy rate in reception structures is increasing, rising from 71% at the end of 2013 to 77% at the end of 2014. The profile of the residents is comparable to previous years: mostly families (56% of people received). The main countries of origin were Syria, Afghanistan, Russia and Guinea.Voluntary returnIn 2014, 3,587 people decided to return voluntarily to their country of origin with the help of the Belgian voluntary return programme. 1,405 of them also received additional support for reintegration into their country. The main destination countries were Romania, Russia and Ukraine.The Fedasil 2014 Review is available in French and Dutch.