Syrian refugees: exploratory mission to Turkey
The 75 Syrians, who are to be resettled in Belgium in 2014, have currently taken refuge in Turkey. The protagonists of their resettlement have started the needed preparation works.
The 75 Syrians, who are to be resettled in Belgium in 2014, have currently taken refuge in Turkey. The protagonists of their resettlement have started the needed preparation works.
A record number of migrants are visiting the Fedasil return desk to request a voluntary return to their country of origin.
In 2013, 4,585 people voluntarily returned to their country of origin with the help of the Belgian voluntary return programme.
In the frame of the European resettlement programme, Belgium has committed to proceed with the resettlement of 100 refugees on its territory in 2014.
On 12 December, Fedasil and the IOM presented the Belgian voluntary return programme to foreign embassies and consulates.
52 Congolese refugees arrived in Belgium as part of the resettlement programme. This was the second large group of 2013, following the group of 31 Burundian refugees who arrived in Belgium in June.
Belgium has about 100 reception centres for applicants for international protection, accounting for 3/4 of the capacity of the total reception network. In addition to the federal centres managed by Fedasil, there are reception centres managed by partners. The remaining places are in individual houses, organized by the local municipalities or NGOs.