More refugees resettled in 2016
United States
Every year, Belgium takes in increasing numbers of vulnerable refugees for resettlement. These refugees are mainly Syrians.
United States
Every year, Belgium takes in increasing numbers of vulnerable refugees for resettlement. These refugees are mainly Syrians.
United States
4267 migrants returned voluntarily in 2016 and the number of voluntary returns continue to increase, more particularly to Iraq and Afghanistan.
United States
Fedasil publishes the first part of her study on caring for vulnerable persons.
United States
In 2016, departures from Fedasil’s asylum network greatly outnumbered the arrivals. As a result, the reception capacity has been revised downwards.
United States
On Tuesday 17 January, Fedasil received the President of the Republic of Malta.
United States
Fedasil has been involved in producing a brochure advising asylum seekers on their rights and the risks associated with work.
United States
Since a decreasing number of people apply for asylum in Belgium, Fedasil reduces the reception capacity for asylum seekers.
United States
At the end of September, Fedasil employees went to France to learn about their programme for voluntary return.
United States
The IOM visited several reception centres for refugees to inform the residents about voluntary return and reintegration in Afghanistan.