Closure of reception places
United States
The Belgian government has decided to reduce the capacity of the reception network for asylum seekers.
United States
The Belgian government has decided to reduce the capacity of the reception network for asylum seekers.
United States
In 2017, 23 Fedasil staff members travelled to Greece, Italy, Cyprus and Bulgaria for EASO.
United States
Fedasil has signed a framework agreement with the Belgian development agency, Enabel.
United States
Voluntary returns to the countries of origin are decreasing. Among others, this is the result of the lower number of asylum applications the past two years.
United States
In 2017, Belgium resettled three times more refugees than the previous year. Most of them are Syrians but a group of Congolese also arrived in Belgium.
United States
Belgium plans to resettle 1,150 refugees in 2018: Syrians, Congolese and refugees of the Central Mediterranean route.
United States
Fedasil publishes its 2016 review, a year marked by a fall in arrivals and the closure of 10,000 reception places.
United States
On 5 July, the European Asylum Support Office presented its 2016 report at a conference in Brussels. For the occasion, refugees and asylum seekers came to speak about their experiences.
United States
On 20 June, European Commissioner Thyssen, launched in a reception centre in Brussels an IT tool for migrants looking for work.
United States
In ten years, Fedasil and its partners, IOM and Caritas, have supported over 13,000 migrants with their reintegration into their country of origin.