European Funds

2021-2027: Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund

The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) is a fund established by the European Union to contribute to the effective management of migration flows and to the implementation, strengthening and development of common asylum and immigration policies.

Actions specifically implemented by Fedasil

In the period 2024-2025, Fedasil itself is implementing specific actions on 3 different components:

  • The 'reception' component aims to strengthen and optimise the reception of applicants for international protection.
  • The 'resettlement and complementary pathways' component aims to implement the Belgian resettlement programme and develop legal pathways.
  • The 'voluntary return' component aims to strengthen the existing programme and further develop the established network with IOM and Caritas, taking into account the current national context.

AMIF Reception project 2024-2025

Following on from the previous period (2022-2023), the 'Reception' project aims to strengthen and optimise the reception of applicants for international protection by working in 4 areas:

  •  Optimising (process) management and increasing the flexibility and quality of the reception network.
  • Strengthening the internal functioning of the Agency through monitoring, digitalisation and communication.
  • Promoting national and international cooperation by strengthening partnerships with organisations active in reception, procedure or accompaniment of applicants for international protection.
  • Increasing the well-being and autonomy of residents, including a focus on communication with applicants, active participation in society and a safe living environment.

AMIF project Voluntary Return 2024-2025

  • Improve the outreach, the accompaniment and the support of the target group in the field. This target group consists of applicants for international protection and undocumented migrants.
  • Reinforce reintegration assistance with a special focus on vulnerabilities: for example, unaccompanied foreign minors, families with children or returnees with underlying medical problems.
  • Build partnerships with organisations active in the field of Voluntary Return or the accompaniment of the target group in order to develop and strengthen the national and international cooperation.
  • Aim for a better quality return programme by focusing on the monitoring and evaluation of the current management processes and the support offer. In this regard, the digitalisation and datalisation of the return process play a key role.

AMIF project Resettlement and Complementary Pathways 2024-2025

The AMIF project Resettlement and Complementary Pathways was set up in 2024-2025 to further embed the existing program, in partnership with the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons (CGRS). In addition, the project aims to make the program more flexible, qualitative and innovative to respond to the political commitment and the European and international developments.

To this end, the project focuses on 3 goals:

  • Strive for an efficient and flexible development, implementation and continuous optimisation of the operations for the entire resettlement chain - from selection to pre-integration - and other possible legal pathways, according to the decisions regarding the annual quota.
  • Consolidate and strengthen the coordinating role of Fedasil and the CGRS as well as the operational cooperation at national, European and international level.
  • Proactively monitor the developments at European and international level, integrate them at national level and let them result into innovative suggestions or new initiatives for (pre)integration and/or reception in Belgium or in third countries.

european union