Voluntary return: seminar for Embassies


On 12 December, Fedasil and the IOM presented the Belgian voluntary return programme to foreign embassies and consulates.

On Thursday 12 December, in Brussels, about fifty people took part in the seminar at Fedasil's head office on the subject of the voluntary return programme organised by Fedasil and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM). In total, 32 countries were represented, including many countries from Africa, Eastern Europe and South America. Grégoire Vardakis, the Belgian Ambassador, in charge of the migration unit at the FPS Foreign Affairs, also attended the event.The aim of this seminar was to inform foreign embassies and consulates about the voluntary return programme in Belgium and to call upon their cooperation. Indeed, their competence is of prime importance when it comes to issuing the travel documents required by their citizens, but also in terms of the support and solutions which may be made available to those in difficulty.The guests were welcomed by the Director-General of Fedasil and the IOM's Chief of Mission for Belgium-Luxembourg. Fedasil also distributed a brochure intended for foreign embassies and consulates in Belgium.