3,000 voluntary returns in 2018
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The main destination countries were Ukraine, Georgia and Romania.
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The main destination countries were Ukraine, Georgia and Romania.
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Fedasil is taking the lead in a new European project aiming to bring together employers on the one hand, and job-seeking applicants for international protection and refugees on the other, in a quicker and more effective way.
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19,500 asylum seekers joined Fedasil's reception network in 2018, resulting in a need for additional places.
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Last week, Fedasil organised the last conference of EPRA, the platform where 14 European countries work together on reception.
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This Monday 3 December, the ‘Petit-Château’ has become an ‘arrival centre’ for asylum seekers who have just arrived in Belgium.
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Brussel Onthaal and BIAL, the Brussels Institute for Applied Linguistics of the VUB (University of Brussels) work to improve the communication with new asylum seekers. Their project is subsidised this year by Fedasil.
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For the first time, Fedasil organises a resettlement mission in Niger. Belgium will welcome 47 refugees.
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Fedasil publishes its review 2017, a year marked by a decline in in the number of people received and the closure of 3,000 reception places.
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Each year, Fedasil finances specific projects with regard to the reception of international protection applicants and other reception beneficiaries.
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A call for tender has been issued within the context of the 'European Reintegration Network' (ERIN) project.