New general brochures
United States
Fedasil has just published two brochures presenting the reception of asylum seekers in Belgium and the voluntary return of migrants.
United States
Fedasil has just published two brochures presenting the reception of asylum seekers in Belgium and the voluntary return of migrants.
United States
Fedasil needed to urgently create a large amount of temporary places to guarantee accommodation for all asylum seekers.
United States
Fedasil keeps raising awareness among people without a residence permit and improving reintegration assistance in the countries of origin.
United States
From the moment that a migrant submits an application for protection in Belgium, they are entitled to material assistance. What exactly is this assistance?
United States
The arrival centre of Fedasil (Brussels) adapts its opening days during the holiday period.
United States
As from 14 November 2019, candidates considering their return can go to rue d'Arenberg 10 for information and guidance.
United States
Fedasil urgently needs additional places to house asylum seekers.
United States
Fedasil launches the new information platform The mobile website provides applicants for international protection (asylum seekers) in Belgium with reliable information in 12 languages, 8 of which include an audio version.
United States
An increase in the number of asylum seekers entering the reception network of Fedasil marked 2018.
United States
A call for tender has been issued within the context of the AMIF Specific action on unaccompanied foreign minors.