Michael Kegels has been appointed as the new Director General of Fedasil. He will succeed Jean-Pierre Luxen on 1 January.
The decision was made during the Council of Ministers on Friday 18 December 2020: Michael Kegels will take over from Jean-Pierre Luxen as Director General of the Agency. This is a renewable six-year mandate that starts on 1 January 2021.
Michael Kegels has worked in the Agency for more than 20 years, first as Director of the reception centre of Broechem (2000-2007), then of the Petit-Château (2007-2009). He has been Director of Operational Services at Fedasil since May 2009.
Our current DG, Jean-Pierre Luxen, will soon enjoy a well-deserved retirement after eight years at the head of Fedasil (2012-2020). We wish both Michael Kegels and Jean-Pierre Luxen good luck in their respective new challenges.