A reception network still under pressure
United States
Although the number of arrivals in the reception centre is stable, Fedasil is still confronted with a lack of places.
United States
Although the number of arrivals in the reception centre is stable, Fedasil is still confronted with a lack of places.
United States
In 2023, Fedasil continues to benefit from a support of the European agency EUAA (containers, supply of staff and interpreters).
United States
One year after the start of the conflict in Ukraine, more than 65,000 refugees have been granted temporary protection in our country.
United States
Last year, Fedasil assisted 2,673 persons who decided to return to their country of origin.
United States
The year 2022 was marked by the saturation of the network of Fedasil. Despite the creation of places, people end up on the street.
United States
Due to the saturation of the reception network of Fedasil, only 71 refugees could be resettled last year in Belgium.
United States
Every day, for over a year, asylum seekers have been finding themselves on the streets because of a lack of sufficient places.
United States
On Thursday 6 October, António Vitorino, IOM's Director General, visited Fedasil's return desk in Brussels.
United States
In July, 3,159 Ukrainian refugees received a protection certificate. 25% were assisted by Fedasil in finding accommodation.
United States
2021 was marked by a new reception crisis. Occupancy in centres for asylum seekers increased throughout the year.