Expert conference Return and reintegration
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Fedasil organises an expert conference on return and reintegration in the context of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU.
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Fedasil organises an expert conference on return and reintegration in the context of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU.
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This Tuesday, Fedasil welcomed the director of the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA), Nina Gregori.
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Two years after the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, more than 77,000 refugees received temporary protection in our country.
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Despite the creation of more than 3,000 places in 2023, Fedasil ran out of places to accommodate all asylum seekers.
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Last year, Fedasil assisted 2,952 persons who decided to return to their country of origin.
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Belgium resettled 287 refugees last year, mostly Congolese and Syrians.
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The Belgian resettlement programme for refugees has existed for 10 years.
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The Belgian government has decided to set up a task force in charge of finding at least 2,000 temporary places for this winter.
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Families of asylum seekers are temporarily accommodated in a youth hostel.
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The year 2022 was once again marked by the saturation of our reception network, despite the thousands of places created.