Reception asylum seekers

Review 2017

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Fedasil publishes its review 2017, a year marked by a decline in in the number of people received and the closure of 3,000 reception places.

Who are these asylum seekers?

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21,500 applicants for international protection (asylum) are being received by Fedasil and its partners in Belgium. For the most part these are people who have fled the conflicts in Palestine, Syria or Afghanistan.

2015 Annual report

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Fedasil has just published its 2015 review. 2015 was an eventful year, marked by a sudden influx of asylum seekers in Belgium and elsewhere in Europe.

Where to go after the centre?

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In Belgium, asylum seekers have the right to material assistance and accommodation as long as the examination of their asylum application is pending. But where do they go after their stay in the reception centre?