Cooperation between Fedasil and Enabel

Fedasil Enabel

Fedasil has signed a framework agreement with the Belgian development agency, Enabel.

The political landscape is conducive to the merging of projects relating to asylum, migration and development cooperation and it is in this context that Fedasil and the Belgian development agency (Enabel) signed a cooperation agreement on 8 February.  

This agreement creates a basis for the cooperation between the two Belgian public institutions. Specific agreements will then be concluded depending on the needs of the two partners, for example mobilising Fedasil experts for Enabel projects (and vice versa) or mobilising the European or local partners of the other institution. 

This cooperation allows Fedasil to leverage its international expertise and take a stance in the debate on the root causes of migration. 

Fedasil has become increasingly active internationally over the last few years, through the voluntary return programmes and the reintegration of migrants into their country of origin and by resettling refugees in Belgium and sending experts abroad for EASO.

The agreement was signed by Jean-Pierre Luxen, Director-General of Fedasil, and Carl Michiels, President of the Enabel Management Committee.