Subventions for 26 projects in 2018


Each year, Fedasil finances specific projects with regard to the reception of international protection applicants and other reception beneficiaries.

Fedasil finances each year different projects (through their own funds as well as through the European funds). For the year 2018, 17 national projects were selected by the selection committee. When granting the project subventions, Fedasil’s priority went to projects which enhance the participation of applicants for international protection to social life and which meet the specific reception needs of vulnerable target groups.

Moreover, Fedasil also supports the launch of 9 European projects financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), which will run over a period of two years (2018-2019). The focus lies here on integration and vulnerable target groups. These are also priorities for the State Secretary for Asylum and Migration, Theo Francken.

AMIF provides financial support to activities in favour of applicants for international protection, refugees and resettled persons. They also provide support to actions around integration and return (voluntary and forced). The AMIF is the successor of the ERF (the European Refugee Fund).