1,309 refugees resettled in 2017
United States
In 2017, Belgium resettled three times more refugees than the previous year. Most of them are Syrians but a group of Congolese also arrived in Belgium.
United States
In 2017, Belgium resettled three times more refugees than the previous year. Most of them are Syrians but a group of Congolese also arrived in Belgium.
United States
Belgium plans to resettle 1,150 refugees in 2018: Syrians, Congolese and refugees of the Central Mediterranean route.
In 2015 Belgium will resettle twice as many refugees than initially planned. This was announced by the new State Secretary for Asylum and Migration, Theo Francken.
In 2016, 232 refugees, all Syrian, have already been received in Belgium as part of the resettlement programme. Prior to their departure and up to their settlement, they are supported by various stakeholders.
At the end of February, Fedasil went to Beirut to meet the Syrian refugees selected for resettlement in Belgium in 2016.
Belgium was committed to resettling 300 Syrian and Congolese refugees in 2015.
The selection of 300 refugees for resettlement in Belgium is coming to an end. They will arrive from October onwards, after completing a cultural orientation course.
On Monday, 22 resettled Syrian refugees made the journey from Turkey to Belgium. In the meantime, the selection of Syrian refugees in Lebanon is still ongoing.
The Office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons (CGRS) has just completed its selection mission in Turkey.
The 75 Syrians, who are to be resettled in Belgium in 2014, have currently taken refuge in Turkey. The protagonists of their resettlement have started the needed preparation works.