New refugees about to be resettled in Belgium


The selection of 300 refugees for resettlement in Belgium is coming to an end. They will arrive from October onwards, after completing a cultural orientation course. 

In 2015 Belgium will resettle a total of 300 refugees. It concerns 236 Syrians who fled to Lebanon due to the conflicts in their country and 64 Congolese who fled to Burundi.The Syrian refugees were selected in Beirut (Lebanon) during two missions of the Office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons (CGRS), one in March and another in September 2015. Some refugees will be selected by the CGRS based on their file submitted by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR). The Syrian refugees are expected to arrive in October 2015 and they will first complete a cultural orientation course.Cultural orientationIn September a first group attended the cultural orientation days organised by Fedasil, the Federal Agency for the reception of asylum seekers in Belgium, in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Beirut. Early November Fedasil will return to Lebanon to inform a second group of refugees.In total 124 Syrians completed a cultural orientation course in September, which consisted of presentations and various activities (also for children). The goal is to inform the refugees about the different aspects of life in Belgium: cost of living, education, healthcare, labour market etc. It was also an opportunity for the refugees to ask all their questions about their future life in Belgium.ResettlementResettlement involves selecting and transferring refugees from a country where they have sought protection to a third country which has previously agreed to grant them the right to permanent residence. This measure offers a solution to those who cannot return to their country of origin but can no longer take advantage of sufficient protection and have no local integration prospects in the first reception country.More information: