487 refugees resettled in 2024
Fedasil resettled 487 persons last year, while also focusing on other legal migration pathways such as labour and student migration.
Fedasil resettled 487 persons last year, while also focusing on other legal migration pathways such as labour and student migration.
United States
Fedasil takes part in the EU Passworld pilot project which offers a sustainable and legal pathway for the reception of refugee students in Belgium.
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The Belgian resettlement programme for refugees has existed for 10 years.
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Due to the saturation of the reception network of Fedasil, only 71 refugees could be resettled last year in Belgium.
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The resettlement operations of refugees in Belgium have slowed down due to the saturation of the network of Fedasil.
United States
Despite the saturation of the reception network and the health crisis, 964 refugees could be resettled in Belgium last year.
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2021's first group of refugees arrived today as part of the resettlement programme.
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This morning, 11 young migrants arrived in Belgium as part of an international relocation scheme for unaccompanied children. Fedasil is responsible for their first reception.
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Due to the lack of places in the reception network in Belgium, the resettlement programme of refugees in our country has been suspended.
United States
For the first time, Fedasil organises a resettlement mission in Niger. Belgium will welcome 47 refugees.