Center News

Fedasil and the Immigration Office are monitoring the health of asylum seekers from regions affected by the Ebola virus.

Compared to 2012, we are seeing a substantial decrease of voluntary return to Brazil. This is a result of the measures that...

The number of asylum seekers in Belgium greatly decreased last year. Fewer asylum seekers arrive in the reception network...

Fedasil has published its annual report 2012. It gives statistics and presents important issues linked to the reception of asylum...

In 2013, 15,455 asylum seekers received a reception place in the network of Fedasil and its partners.

The European Migration Network has just published a synthesis on the organisation of reception facilities for asylum seekers in...

Fedasil is starting a network of buffer accommodations: these are beds that are not in use, but they can be made operational at a...

At the request of EASO, the European Asylum Support Office, Fedasil regularly offers help and expertise to European countries that...

This Friday 20 June, is World Refugee Day. Fedasil and its partners will focus the attention on the millions of people in the...