
Fedasil shares its expertise

At the request of EASO, the European Asylum Support Office, Fedasil regularly offers help and expertise to European countries that are facing challenges on the asylum front.

EASO regularly appeals to European countries to support Member States that are under pressure on the asylum front. Fedasil responds to these appeals for experts and takes part in the missions, which can be either operational or strategic in nature.So far this year, Fedasil staff members have already taken part in two missions, one to Bulgaria and one to Greece. Fedasil is also involved in setting up a support plan for Italy.The first mission took place in February in the context of an emergency plan for Bulgaria, which is being confronted with significant challenges in terms of the reception of asylum seekers, particularly since the arrival of a large number of Syrian refugees. In the past, CGRS, the Office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons, has sent various experts to Bulgaria, to make sure that the registration of asylum applications from Syrians is managed effectively, and to help plan out a procedure to process the asylum applications. The second mission took place in April. Its purpose was to deliver expertise in receiving asylum seekers in Greece and to develop training courses for staff that are actually responsible for the reception. Fedasil is well represented at the European level, through calls for experts but also via European platforms, which it initiates (EPRA for reception and CSI for voluntary return).