The Global Approach of the EU and the agenda on migration
Since 2005, the EU uses the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility outside its borders. In the framework of this approach, the EU strengthens its relations with important countries of origin and transit. These partnerships are based on dialogue and practical cooperation around themes like:
- Organise and facilitate legal migration and mobility
- Prevent and reduce irregular migration and human trafficking
- Promote international protection and asylum
- The impact of development on migration and mobility
In 2015, the European Commission announced an agenda on migration. This way, the Commission wishes to provide an answer to the immediate needs and to give the EU the means to better control migration on the medium and long term.
The return policy of the EU
In 2008, a European Return Directive was adopted, setting out common standards for the return of applicants for international protection. It provides transparent and common guidelines for return and repatriation, the use of coercive measures and readmission into the EU. For information on the ‘Return Directive’, visit the European Commission website.
European Return and Re-integration Network (ERRIN)
In June 2018, several European countries created a common network: the European Return and Re-integration Network (ERRIN). Fedasil is part of this network, which aims at facilitating the return and reintegration of migrants by developing common actions and innovative solutions. The network was created by merging and extending the activities of the European Return Initiative (ERIN) and the Common Support Initiative (CSI). ERRIN counts 15 participating countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Greece, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.