Belgium has set up a specific path for the registration and the reception of Ukrainian nationals.
Since a few days, many Ukrainian nationals present themselves at the arrival centre of Fedasil – the "Petit-Château" in Brussels. As a result of the conflict, Ukrainians are now entitled to a temporary protection status at European level and don't have to apply for asylum.
Registration and reception
In view of the situation, Belgium has set up a specific path for the registration and the reception of Ukrainian nationals – outside the standard reception network of Fedasil.
From now on, the registration is organised by the Immigration Office in the former Jules Bordet Institute in Brussels, a building used by Fedasil since Januari for overnight reception. People from Ukraine who present themselves in front of the Petit-Château are therefore sent to the centre of Bordet.
If the people registered don't have any place to stay in Belgium (with friends or family), Fedasil directs them to an accommodation offered by the communes of the country.
The call for solidarity within the Belgian population and the local authorities made it possible to provide thousands of places for Ukrainians. At Bordet, Fedasil is responsible for the dispatching to the accommodations coordinated by the provinces and the communes.
If necessary, for example for Ukrainians who are stranded without accommodation at the end of the day, Fedasil can provide emergency accommodation for one night – either via the offer of several hotels in Brussels or in the new reception centre located on rue Sebrechts in Molenbeek (100 beds are already available).
Today, the federal authorities have launched an information website about the situation in Ukraine: www.info-ukraine.be. The website centralises all useful information about the situation in Ukraine and its consequences on our country.
It is intended for the Belgian residents, the Belgians abroad, the Cities and Communes, the Ukrainians already living in Belgium and people on the run.
There is also an information number: 02/488 88 88.