ERIN: tender for NGOs

The recently published tender aims to contract NGOs, International Organisations or International Governmental Organisations that are active in the following countries of origin: Afghanistan, DR Congo, Guinea, Iran, Iraq (KRG), Nigeria, Morocco, Pakistan, Russia, Sri Lanka, Somaliland, and South/Central Somalia. Details about the tender may be consulted via the following link.ERINERIN is a joint European initiative by a number of governments in the area of return and reintegration to assist individuals returning to their country of origin. The project is co-financed by the European Commission via the Return Fund (Community Actions) and is a sequel to the European Reintegration Instrument (ERI) that terminated in February 2014. The objective of ERIN is to lend assistance to migrants returning to their country of origin in the reintegration process following return. As the public administration in Belgium responsible for the organisation of the Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programme, Fedasil is playing an active role in this project.Other participating institutions are:- Foreigners Office (DVZ) - Belgium- Dutch Repatriation and Departure Service (DT&V) – the Netherlands- Finnish Immigration Service (MIGRI) - Finland- German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) - Germany- Norwegian Immigration Service (UDI) – Norway.