Resettlement in Belgium in 2014


In the frame of the European resettlement programme, Belgium has committed to proceed with the resettlement of 100 refugees on its territory in 2014.

On 13 December the CGRS and Fedasil organised a meeting bringing together the resettlement programme's different stakeholders. The office of the State Secretary for Asylum and Migration Maggie De Block presented the objectives for the coming year. As for 2013, the Belgian government has committed to the resettlement of 100 refugees on its territory in 2014. The objective is to increase this number every two years in order to reach 250 refugees in 2020.Focus on the crisis in SyriaSince the start of the crisis in Syria, the UNHCR has been calling for help for Syrian refugees. For some of them, resettlement or the humanitarian admission to a third country is the only solution. This concerns women and children in danger, people who have been victims of violence or torture, refugees requiring medical assistance, etc. To date, more than fifteen states have responded to the UNHCR's request with a view to the resettlement of Syrian refugees fitting this profile.Profile of refugees resettled in 2014The refugee groups have been defined on the basis of the priorities of the UNHCR and the European Union. On the basis of these criteria, in 2014, Belgium has decided to resettle:70 Syrians fleeing the fighting in Syria30 Congolese refugees from the Great Lakes regionThese refugees will be interviewed and selected during field missions by the CGRS.Resettlement operations in 2013The meeting bringing together resettlement stakeholders enabled a review of the operations carried out in 2013. Fedasil explained the principles and presented the inventory of the reception and support programmes for the integration of refugees, as well as the challenges. The focus was placed on the involvement of the Public Social Welfare Centres, which, in 2013, responded to the call of State Secretary with a view to finding housing for the resettled refugees. Two members of a Burundian families resettled this year gave an account of their experience since arriving in our country, the support from which they benefit through the Public Social Welfare Centres and the specialist NGOs, Caritas and Convivial, the progress made by their children at school and their future prospects.