Increase in arrivals in 2021
United States
More than 20,000 asylum seekers entered Fedasil's reception network in 2021. Almost a third were Afghans.
United States
More than 20,000 asylum seekers entered Fedasil's reception network in 2021. Almost a third were Afghans.
United States
The arrival centre of Fedasil (Brussels) will be closed on Friday 31 December 2021.
United States
Fedasil is faced with the saturation of its reception network for asylum seekers.
United States
More than 24,000 applicants for international protection (asylum) are being received by Fedasil and its partners in Belgium. For the most part these are people who have fled the conflicts in Afghanistan, Palestine or Syria.
United States
In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, Fedasil has observed a 40% drop in arrivals in the reception facilities in 2020.
United States
Coronavirus meant that 2020 was marked by a drop in arrivals in the reception network for asylum seekers, and that the organisation of voluntary returns was disrupted.
United States
The arrival centre of Fedasil (Brussels) adapts its opening days during the holiday period.
United States
The Immigration Office resumes the 'physical' registration of asylum applications in our arrival centre in Brussels.
United States
18 young migrants arrived in Belgium as part of an international relocation scheme for unaccompanied children. Fedasil is responsible for their first reception.
United States
In 2019, Fedasil was forced to open more than 5,000 temporary places in order to receive all asylum seekers.