
Until 2014 the delegations of the various members of Enaro (the European Network of Asylum Reception Organisations) met regularly to exchange information and good practices on the reception and support of asylum seekers.

Twice every year, the workers from each country visited one of the different member countries to attend a practical course. Enaro placed the emphasis at operational level, and so targeted people working in the field rather than policy makers. Each exchange was based on a central theme, which formed the subject of discussions and the exchange of experiences. At the end of every year, all the participants met at a closing conference. The aim was to put in place common good practices for the reception of asylum seekers and to issue recommendations for the future.

Fedasil published a blog in which the Agency’s workers who have taken part in an Enaro exchange programme share their experiences with their colleagues.

Visit the Enaro website and the Fedasil blog for information on Enaro exchanges.