Fedasil is committed to making this website accessible, in accordance with the following legislation: the Law of 19 July 2018 on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies.
This accessibility statement applies to:
- Website: https://www.fedasil.be/
Compliance status
This website is non-compliant. Non-conformities and exemptions are listed below.
Non-accessible content
The following elements are not accessible:
- The HTML structure of the website needs to be improved.
- ALT tags are missing from the images.
- The colour contrast is not high enough, particularly in the drop-down menu.
- The link text describing the purpose of the link for an anchor element is missing.
- Semantic markup for emphasised or special text is missing from some pages.
- The keyboard focus indicator is not visible enough.
- Some button links are not explicit enough.
- Some form elements do not have a valid name, role or value.
- etc.
Proposed alternatives
- Some information is also available on other Fedasil websites (www.voluntaryreturn.be, www.fedasilinfo.be).
- The Agency can still be reached via other channels (email, telephone, social media, etc.).
Statement preparation
An external accessibility audit was carried out. This audit involved a simplified analysis. You can view the report here: https://scan.accessibility.belgium.be/fr/report/2023/www.fedasil.be/fr
Contact information
If you have any questions or thoughts on the accessibility of our website or application, you can contact: info@fedasil.be (specify that the message is for the ICT service and the communication service).
If you do not receive a response from the above teams, you can contact the following ombudsman: Federal Ombudsman, contact@mediateurfederal.be.
Improvement plan
- The forthcoming upgrade of the website to Drupal 10 will provide renewed control over certain settings (breadcrumbs, etc.). Changes to the design of the website are also being considered.
- Switch to Bosa for hosting in the near future.
- etc.
This statement was prepared on 14/09/2023. The statement was last reviewed on 14/09/2023