
CSI meeting in Geneva

From 9 to 11 March, Fedasil travelled to Geneva for a CSI thematic meeting about voluntary return. 

Eight countries took part in the CSI thematic meeting from 9 to 11 March: Belgium, Finland, France, Luxembourg, Norway, the Netherlands, United Kingdom and Switzerland. In the frame of this meeting, the participants started by discussing recent developments concerning voluntary return. They then shared their experience in the field of communication, with each country presenting the resources implemented in order to reach the different target groups concerned by voluntary return: brochures, websites, videos, etc. Workshops were also organised in order to examine certain aspects of communication in greater depth.The meeting was held at the premises of the Permanent Representation of Belgium to the United Nations in Geneva, with the collaboration of the Ambassador, Bertrand de Crombrugghe. Directors and staff members from Fedasil's different services attended the event.Visit to the IOM's head officeDuring their time in Switzerland, the delegation from Fedasil and the countries participating in the CSI meeting were received by the IOM's Director General at the international organisation's head office, also located in Geneva.  Among other things, the IOM presented its general functioning in both financial and organisational terms. CSIThe meeting was organised in the frame of the Common Support Initiative (CSI), a platform bringing together nine institutions from European countries based on the theme of voluntary return. The project was launched in 2013, with Fedasil as the instigating body.