Review 2017

Fedasil 2017

Fedasil publishes its review 2017, a year marked by a decline in in the number of people received and the closure of 3,000 reception places.

Fedasil's 2017 review presents the key events and principal statistics with regards to reception, voluntary return, resettlement and relocation during 2017.

Regarding reception, the number of arrivals stabilised in 2017 with 20,000 people presenting themselves to the Dispatching service (-10% compared to 2016). Syria was the first country of origin of the applicants for international protection. Roughly 3,500 Syrians entered our reception centres, a large portion of whom came through the refugee resettlement (1,200 Syrians) and migrant relocation (500) programmes.

Decline in occupancy
The number of people received by Fedasil and its partners was in constant decline throughout 2017. Consequently, the Federal Government's plan in 2016 to reduce the reception capacity was pursued in 2017 by closing an additional 3,000 places.

Voluntary returns
In 2017, Fedasil organised each month over 300 voluntary returns of migrants to their countries of origin. Overall, the number of returns decreased by 10% compared with 2016. However, special attention has been given to people in irregular situation. Many of them incidentally returned to their countries, primarily to Ukraine and Romania.

The 2017 Review can be found in annex and is available in a dynamic version (flip book). The document is also available in French and Dutch.
