This Friday 20 June, is World Refugee Day. Fedasil and its partners will focus the attention on the millions of people in the world who had to flee war, violence or persecution.
The right to seek protection from war, violence and persecution is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in international refugee law. On this day Fedasil, UNHCR, the Belgian asylum authorities and leading NGOs working with refugees and asylum seekers in Belgium are highlighting the importance of these rights. With the World Cup in Brazil in full swing the partners are highlighting the plight of the world’s displaced by playing football and cheering for refugees. Refugees deserve a fair chance to build up their lives in a safe country. They, too, deserve fair play.Programme of the day7:00 – 9:00: Mini-vuvuzelas in Belgian train stations On Friday June 20, between 7 and 9 AM, some 250 volunteers will distribute mini vuvuzelas (football cheering horns) in 44 Belgian train stations and leaflets highlighting the plight of refugees. People will be encouraged to cheer for refugees during the World Cup. 12:00 – 17:00: A fair mini-football match at Brussels North train station.Eight randomly mixed teams of four players, composed of refugees, asylum seekers, employees of the asylum authorities and members of the NGO community will play a tournament of mini football in a temporary miniature football stadium on the square in front of Brussels North train station (Place Simon Bolivar). The winning team will take home the Fair Play for Refugees Cup.All information on the events will be available on www.refugeeday.be and on Facebook.