A precarious residence permit presents many challenges, both for the migrants themselves - who are often vulnerable and hard to reach - and for the communities they live in, mainly in large cities. Through the CONEX programme, Fedasil aims to reach, inform and guide these persons outside the reception network towards a sustainable future.
Through a network of local partners, including city administrations and non-institutional organisations such as IOM and Caritas International which are active in major Belgian cities, CONEX is trying to reconnect with this hard-to-reach target group. CONEX believes in the multi-stakeholder approach and seeks maximum cooperation and complementarity between actors from different sectors and levels.
CONEX builds bridges between these different actors, who in turn take initiatives to better support migrants in precarious situations.
By granting access to information and services, CONEX aims to give migrants the necessary tools to (re)take control over their life and make an informed decision about their future. That future may be in Belgium, in the country of origin or elsewhere.
Multi-track policy
CONEX follows a multi-track approach and explores sustainable perspectives within each migration pathway by considering different options: stay in Belgium, return voluntarily... CONEX focuses on various channels to provide migrants with that information and accompaniment, such as through information points, mediators, information sessions, a telephone helpline or referrals to partners.
Are you part of a local organisation supporting migrants and do you want to help develop the partner network in your region? Contact the relevant service in your city or commune or contact Fedasil by mail at info@fedasil.be!