A reception network still under pressure

Fedasil reception

Although the number of arrivals in the reception centre is stable, Fedasil is still confronted with a lack of places.

The past few weeks, the arrivals in the reception network of Fedasil have stabilised around 60-80 arrivals a day. Since March, the arrivals in the centres (IN) are even lower than the departures (OUT).

However, this trend gives a wrong picture because it only concerns persons we can receive: due tot the saturation of the reception network, many isolated men are not accommodated. Currently, nearly 3,000 persons are placed on a waiting list and are progressively invited at the arrival centre (the "Petit-Château" in Brussels) to be given a place.

Creation of places

Within this context, Fedasil and its partners continue to increase the reception capacity. The network currently counts more than 34,000 places, representing more than 5,000 additional places compared to January 2022.

Fedasil is therefore preparing the opening this summer of a centre in Walcourt (Namur, 50 places) and of a medical centre in Grimbergen (Flemish Brabant, 100 places). Other possible solutions are under consideration.

As a reminder, last March, the federal government approved a new set of measures to reduce the pressure on the reception network for asylum seekers. Pending the impact of these measures, the opening of places remains necessary to receive as many asylum seekers as possible.