The year 2022 was marked by the saturation of the network of Fedasil. Despite the creation of places, people end up on the street.
The year 2022 was marked by the saturation of our reception network. Fedasil is confronted with a recurrent shortage of reception places: since 2021, asylum seekers have ended up on the street due to a lack of places. The priority for reception is given to the most vulnerable (families, minors, women), other asylum seekers have to register on a waiting list.
Here is a first overview of the key figures for the year 2022:
- In 2022, up to 37,000 applications for international protection (asylum) were registered in Belgium, representing an increase of 40% compared to 2021. This increase in arrivals added to the pressure on the network of Fedasil.
- At the same time, Fedasil observes that the departures from the reception centres remain lower than the arrivals due to the extended duration of the asylum procedures. Therefore, the number of persons accommodated by Fedasil increased throughout the year 2022.
- Within this context, Fedasil has sought to rapidly increase its capacity in order to provide shelter to a maximum of persons. End of 2022, the network had reached 33,505 reception places – namely an increase of more than 4,000 places compared to the beginning of the year!
- Last year, 14 reception centres opened their doors, including 7 federal centres (in Bredene, Brussels, Dilbeek, Jabbeke, Machelen, Molenbeek, Theux).
- The increase in arrivals also concerns the UMs (the unaccompanied minors), mainly boys of 15-17 years from Afghanistan. In 2022, Fedasil considerably increased its reception capacity for UMs: 3,251 specific places were available at the end of 2022, which means the creation of 536 places. This is a record number, corresponding to twice the capacity of January 2020!
- In 2022, Fedasil recruited 800 staff members. The Agency currently counts 2,700 employees.
However, the increased reception capacity observed in 2021 and 2022 is not sufficient to accommodate everyone. Fedasil keeps prospecting for new sites. In consultation with the State Secretary for Asylum and Migration, measures impacting the departures from the reception centres are taken. In the longer term, Fedasil is impatiently waiting for structural adaptations!
More info?
- You will find attached the presentation given by Fanny François, Director-General ad interim (PDF, in French)
- The CGRS has also published its 2022 survey regarding asylum (in English)