
The Fedasil Info Point is one year old

Fedasil Info Point Brussels
In one year, our Info Point for migrants in Brussels has received nearly 11,500 visitors.

After closing for almost two years, the Fedasil Info Point reopened its doors on 27 September 2023 at a new location in Brussels: rue Héger-Bordet 3, next to our reception centre "Bordet".

The Fedasil Info Point has been given a new name and a new logo as well as a broader mission: it is aimed at asylum seekers living outside our reception network, but also migrants in transit and persons without a residence permit.

From the start, the new Info Point has focused on the cooperation with the partners. The mobile team Reach Out (Fedasil) has found a base camp to work from. The staff of Caritas International provides the first reception and informs visitors on topics for which Fedasil is not competent, such as family reunification. The interpreters of the EUAA provide important support during the discussions with the visitors.

In July 2024, the Refugee Medical Point of the Red Cross also moved to the location "Jules Bordet". The cooperation between the Refugee Medical Point (first medical and psychological care) and the Fedasil Info Point (information and counselling) improves the services provided to the most vulnerable public: people living in the streets.

Asylum seekers without a reception place

In one year, almost 11,500 migrants visited the Info Point to ask for information or advice. Almost all of them were isolated men, and 36% were Palestinians. Most of the visitors (more than 8,000) were asylum seekers with a question regarding accommodation.

The experience of the Info Point in Brussels will provide the basis for the creation of new information points in other cities in Belgium.


Fedasil Info Point