Annual report 2012


Fedasil has published its annual report 2012. It gives statistics and presents important issues linked to the reception of asylum seekers and the voluntary return programme in Belgium.

2012 has been a transitory year for the reception of asylum seekers. Besides that it was also a year in which a record number of people returned voluntary with the help of Fedasil and its partners.2012 will be etched in our mind as the turning point after the reception crisis. Jean-Pierre Luxen, director-general of Fedasil, looks ahead in his preface: "The renewed control over reception enables us to highlight the projects which the crisis did not allow us to promote and which will be pursued over the coming years: European programmes, the specialisation of reception, support for specific target groups and, in particular, unaccompanied minors, and a constructive and ambitious voluntary return programme, including the reintegration initiatives in the countries of origin."This annual report in English is a condensed version. The full version is available in French and Dutch. To order a paper version, send an email to