The 75 Syrians, who are to be resettled in Belgium in 2014, have currently taken refuge in Turkey. The protagonists of their resettlement have started the needed preparation works.
Under the auspices of the European Resettlement Programme, Belgium has committed itself to the resettlement of 100 refugees on its territory in 2014, of which 75 are Syrians. Following the example of many European countries, Belgium has mobilized itself to help Syrian refugees and this mainly via its resettlement programme.75 Syrians will arrive in Belgium during the second half of the year 2014. The composition of the group is not known yet, however their origin has been confirmed: the selected persons have taken refuge in Turkey and live in an urban area. Presently the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) proceeds to the identification of the refugees who will be proposed to Belgium. The General Commission for Refugees and Stateless Persons (CGRS) organizes a mission to Turkey in September so as to audition those refugees.In order to prepare this transfer, Fedasil, which is in charge for the preparation of the first reception of these refugees and for the support to guarantee their integration, has conducted with the collaboration of the IOM Belgium an exploratory mission to Turkey at the beginning of June. The objective was to meet the different parties involved in this project: the Belgian embassy and IOM Turkey, as well as the UNHCR with the different NGO striving for refugees. Fedasil had also the opportunity to get to know better the profiles of the refugees who will be resettled.Today Turkey counts approximately one million refugees of Syrian origin who stay in camps located at the Syrian border or in an urban area. Many European countries carry out regularly resettlement operations for refugees of different origins in those areas.Photo : ©UNHCR