
New registration centre for Ukrainians

The registration centre for Ukrainian refugees is moving this Monday to the 'Heysel' in Brussels.

The new centre at the Heysel, located in Palace 8, will make it possible to significantly increase the registration capacity of the refugees fleeing the conflict in Ukraine.

Ukrainians who have just arrived in Belgium must therefore go to Palace 8 to be registered. Information in Ukrainian will be provided on the different communication channels.

Since the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis, more than 6,000 refugees have registered in Belgium. About one third of them apply for and receive accommodation (2,059 people between the 4th and the 13th of March 2022).

The different actors

On site, the asylum authorities and the NGO's make sure the reception and registration of refugees go well:

The Immigration Office is in charge of the registration of the Ukrainian refugees. As a reminder, the latter are granted a temporary protection and don't have to apply for asylum.

Fedasil accompanies the refugees who don't have a housing solution in Belgium (with family or friends). If necessary, the refugees can be provided emergency accommodation for one of two nights in Brussels to have time to find appropriate housing in one of the communes of the country.

The Red Cross is in charge for the reception of the refugees at the Heysel (ticketing, catering, medical help).

The sustainable housing of the refugees is coordinated by the local and regional authorities.


As a reminder, the Belgian federal authorities have launched an information website about the situation in Ukraine: www.info-ukraine.be.

The website centralises all useful information about the situation in Ukraine and its consequences on our country. It is intended for the Belgian residents, the Belgians abroad, the Cities and Communes, the Ukrainians already living in Belgium and people on the run.

There is also an information number: 00 32 2 488 88 88.