In 2023, Fedasil continues to benefit from a support of the European agency EUAA (containers, supply of staff and interpreters).
Since 2022, Fedasil has been benefiting from the temporary support of the EUAA (European agency for asylum - formerly EASO) in the form of an operational plan to increase the capacity and the quality of reception.
This help translates into the provision of experts and interpreters in the centres, of containers and of a support for our training policy. The experts deployed in the centres range from social workers to educators and supervisors.
In 2023, the operational plan was extended. Also noteworthy is that new trainings are planned for the staff, that the number of experts will be higher and that some people will be deployed at the head office or in the arrival centre. In addition, 600 containers (representing more than 700 places) will be delivered to Fedasil – the site has yet to be determined.
This support will be provided until the end of 2023, but a new extension is possible.
EUAA? The European Union Agency for Asylum is an agency of the European union mandated with supporting Member States in applying the package of EU laws that governs asylum, international protection and reception conditions, known as the "Common European Asylum System" (CEAS).
One of the missions of this Agency is to provide technical assistance to the member countries that are facing a disproportionate migratory pressure, which is the case of Belgium. An operational plan was signed with Belgium in December 2021. This is a temporary crisis measure, not a structural assistance. https://euaa.europa.eu/