More than 41,000 Ukrainian refugees have received a protection certificate in Belgium. 23% have asked Fedasil for temporary housing.
Between 10 March and 13 May, the Immigration Office granted 41,217 certificates for temporary protection. In total, 23% of the refugees (9,303 persons) were oriented by the team of Fedasil to a temporary accommodation offered in the different communes of the country.
After a record in March, the number of registrations of Ukrainian refugees seems to have stabilized around 350 per day. Now, 1/3 of the people indicate that they need temporary accommodation.
The Heysel registration centre (Brussels) is currently open from Monday to Friday, from 8:30am to 4pm.
Statistical data
Statbel (the Belgian statistical office) has recently published a dashboard with comprehensive statistics about the displaced persons from Ukraine. You can find there information about the profile of the refugees but also about their orientation by Fedasil to the communes.
Moreover, the federal and regional authorities continue to communicate with the refugees from Ukraine and with the local authorities via different communication channels (flyers, webinars, infoline...). More info on www.info-ukraine.be, www.wallonie.be/fr/ukraine, www.helpukraine.brussels and vlaanderen-helpt-oekraine
Reception in the communes is provided for a limited period, sustainable housing solutions are then the responsibility of the Regions. Belgium estimates that 78,000 refugees from Ukraine will register in our country.