Our information platform for asylum seekers in Belgium is now available in 2 additional languages: Portuguese (of Brazil) and German.
Thanks to this new offer, the website www.fedasilinfo.be is now available in no less than 14 languages: Albanian, German, English, Arabic, Spanish, Farsi, French, Dutch, Pashto, Portuguese, Russian, Somali Tigrinya and Turkish. For 10 of these languages, you can choose to listen to the selected texts (readspeaker).
This website is only available if you are in Belgium.
What is Fedasil Info?
A multilingual website that provides asylum seekers with relevant and reliable information on 8 themes: asylum and procedure, accommodation, living in Belgium, return, work, unaccompanied minors, health and learn.
Fedasil Info is also a useful tool for professionals. Via the language switcher, they can quickly and easily search for information and display it in the language of the asylum seeker.
This tool has been made possible thanks to the support of European funds (AMIF).