In 2014 Fedasil and its partners organised reception for 16,566 asylum seekers, which is an increase of 7% compared to 2013.
Throughout the year 2014, 24,323 people applied for a place in a reception centre at Fedasil's Dispatching service. 16,566 people received a place, compared to 15,455 in 2013 (+7%). 7,757 people were not referred to a reception structure, either because they did not want a place, or because they were not entitled to one.The increase in the number of people who received reception is a result of the growing number of asylum applications in Belgium in 2014 (+9% compared to 2013). Of all the people who were assigned a reception place in 2014, the majority originated from Syria.Decreasing capacityAt the end of 2014, Fedasil and its partners managed a total of 18,015 reception places, divided among the collective centres and individual reception facilities. In one year, the number of places dropped by 2,834. As provided for in the government agreement, the capacity reduction will be continued throughout 2015, until we reach a total of 16,636 places, which corresponds to our operational capacity from before the reception crisis, in 2007-2008.Higher occupancyWhile 16,566 people arrived in the network in 2014, a total of 17,476 people left the network in the same period. This means a negative balance of 910 people.Although Fedasil registered more departures than arrivals, the occupancy in the reception structures has increased as a result of the strongly reduced capacity. At the end of 2014, the occupancy in the reception network was 77%, compared to 71% at the end of 2013. On 31 December 2014, Fedasil's reception network counted 13,802 people.