Dag van de poëzie


'We are storytellers, and we are the stories we tell.'
Elke maandagnamiddag 14u. kom je Sarah en Marieke tegen,
in het AMC met hun poëzieworkshop, in de regen.
Bekijk hier een van hun creatie.


Here’s an idea

a wild idea

what if we open the door?

What a pleasure to meet you

we’re on our way to

a place without any walls.


Pas de porte

pas de passport

we’re all passing through.

Pas de porte

pas de passport

can I open the door for you?


Here’s an idea

a wild idea

anyone can begin.

It doesn’t take much,

a smile, a touch,

to let the stranger in.


Pas de porte

pas de passport

we’re all passing through.

Pas de porte

pas de passport

can I open the door for you?


Here’s an idea

a wild idea

every person is somebody’s child.

Another idea

a wilder idea

every person is everyone’s child


Pas de porte

pas de passport

we’re all passing through.

Pas de porte

pas de passport

can I open the door for you?


Why can’t I go where I want to go?

Why do you close the door?

If we’re all worth the same then

why is your life worth so much more?

Come into the space

where you can breathe,

look at the world anew.

We’re in it together,

breathe the same air,

I can share this world with you.


Here’s an idea

a wild idea

these words can change the world.

You are welcome, welgekomen,

will you come in?

willkommen, bienvenue.


Pas de porte

pas de passport

we’re all passing through.

Pas de porte

pas de passport

can I open the door for you?